Friday, December 22, 2006

The Problem of Treatment (Contd.)



MECHANICAL. A complete therapeutic system will not ignore the effect upon bodily function of dislocations or subluxations of vertebrae; whether accidental or resulting from toxic conditions.

Many sick individuals - and some well ones too - are benefited by expert Chiropractic and Osteopathic adjustments. In numbers of instances, symptoms can be dispatched by no other means. In others, improvement ensues. Stimulation or inhibition of excretory and secretory action is easily possible. Pain is relieved.

Deformities and disabilities of many kinds are put right by these means. Only the hidebound bigotry of orthodoxy prevents their wider adoption.

Manipulative measures of all kinds, including skilled massage, particularly by responsives who understand something of the operation, through physical contact, of spiritual healing Power, are among the most effective of physical helps.

Discriminating co-relation of all good methods is desirable; for which is worst - trying to reduce displacements by psychological means, or neck-thumping selfish neurotics?

The ECONOMIC are among the worst of the secondary causes. Perhaps more than ever to-day the people languish and anguish and die, for want of a little obedience. Self-interest and financial considerations impede, but need not. In an age of unprecedented plenty, any struggle for a living should be an anachronism. Good health and prosperity may be ours almost for the mere taking. Natural resource is unlimited. Productive capacity is virtually as great. We are richer than Croesus. The principal reason we cannot enjoy as much as we like, as well as all that we need, is WE SCRAP FOR IT INSTEAD OF WHACKING IT UP - "but if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another." - Gal., V, 15.

Natural animal man is selfish, greedy, lustful of power, lazy, thriftless, improvident, stupid, ignorant, apathetic. But the greediest, most ruthless and powerful have usurped control of financial wealth.

Such of our real wealth as they permit us access to is capitalised, and the costless corresponding financial "wealth" issued in the form of interest-bearing debt which continually grows.

When, but never before, sufficient of us are willing to compete for the common good instead of for gain, we can resume effective control of our credit and currency; and, deciding our policy ourselves, vest responsibility for administration in a body appointed for the purpose.

Instead of heart-breaking taxation we should be drawing dividends from the national increment of association. Emancipation and freedom are within our reach. We must strike off the shackles of moral and financial servitude, and enter into our glorious inheritance as sons and daughters of God.

Balking the banditti, however, will not, alone, solve many problems. So many other factors are involved. Malnutrition, for example, is as much a matter of unwise as of under-indulgence; and self-control is a virtue of Spirit.

- Dr. Ulric Williams, N.D., M.B., Ch.B., Hints on Healthy Living: The "New World" Order, 4th ed., 1939, self-published, pp. 80-81.

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